Completed Projects
Organization for Afghan Women Capacity and Knowledge
OAWCK has Completed More than 60 Projects
S. no | Project title | Donor | Budget | Location | Status |
1 | Sustainable Access to Clean Drinking Water and Hygiene Promotion Project in Balkh Province. | AHF | 474829.62 USD | Balkh | Completed |
2 | Winter Items Including Balnket and Food items (Oil, Pulses etc...) distribution in Five distritcts of Kunar | Zech Embassy | 100,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
3 | Empowering Women and Young Girls through Awareness of SRHR and Support for Winterization | UNFPA | 644,944 USD | Kabul, Kunar, Nuristan, Laghman, Nangarhar, Khost, Samangan and Balkh | Completed |
4 | Education support for young girls, and families in northern zone of Afghanistan | LGCD/USAID | 625,500 USD | Mazar, Samangan, and Jawzajan | Completed |
5 | Supporting Access to Justice through Non-State Actors(SAJNA): Legal Education Training Program in Kunar Province | IDLO | 10000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
6 | ABADEI/Provision of Rights-based Access to Justice and Legal Aid Focusing on Women | UNDP | 179,000 USD | Kunar and Laghman | Completed |
7 | (ABADIE) Creation of skills development and market promotion opportunities in Kabul, Wardak, and Kapisa provinces. | UNDP | 138450 USD | Kabul, Kapisa and Wardak | Completed |
8 | CSOs/NGOs Capacity Building Project | UNDP | 50000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
9 | Child Protection and GBV project in Nuristan | UNICEF | 700,000 USD | Nuristan | Completed |
10 | Child Protection and GBV project in Nuristan | UNICEF | 375,000 USD | Nuristan | Completed |
11 | DRA Project | DRA | 942699 USD | Nangarhar | Completed |
12 | Support the most vulnerable children and their families through the provision of integrated. Age-appropriate and gender transformative child protection intervention in Nuristan province. | UNICEF | USD 389000 | Nuristan | Completed |
13 | (ABADIE)Creation of skills development and market promotion opportunities in Kabul Arghandi District | UNDP | USD 35000 | Kabul | Completed |
14 | Provision of heating assistance, blankets, and winter cloth packages to 585 conflict-affected displaced, natural disasters affected, and vulnerable host community families | UNOCHA/AHF | 500000 USD | Khost | Completed |
15 | Provision of heating assistance, blankets, and winter cloth packages to 1,170 conflict-affected displaced, natural disasters affected, and vulnerable host community families | UNOCHA/AHF | 500000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
16 | Children and Women have access to Life-Saving Protection Services and Mitigate the Risk Protection Violations | UNICEF | 425,000 USD | Nuristan | Completed |
17 | Children and Women have access to Life-Saving Protection Services and Mitigate the Risk Protection Violations | UNICEF | USD 658,034 | Nuristan | Completed |
18 | Sustainable Access to Safe Drinking Water and Promotion of Hygiene in Kunar Province. | UNOCHA/AHF | USD 248,072.01 | Kunar | Completed |
19 | Supporting Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Women and Girls in Eastern Afghanistan Under COVID-19 Emergency Context | UN Women | USD 169,419 | Kunar, Laghman and Nangarhar | Completed |
20 | ABADEI Program for Community Resilience in Afghanistan (PIP) | UNDP | 50000 USD | Balkh | Completed |
21 | The Importance of Women in Peacebuilding | Search for Common Ground – SFCG | 9,995 USD | Nangarhar | Completed |
22 | Conflict Resolution and Child Forces marriages prevention projetc | ABADEI | 50,000 USD | Balkh | Completed |
23 | Advocacy for the Prevention of Child/Forced Marriages | USAID/Promote Musharikat Program | 48,000 USD | Kunar, Nuristan and Laghman | Completed |
24 | Women Empowerment Grant – WEG | USAID/Counterpart International | 30,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
25 | Construction of Micro – Hydro Power for 250 Families in Charkai village of Khas Kunar | Czech Embassy in Kabul | 20,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
26 | Contributed to transparent democratic institutions by strengthening media and encouraging civil society organizations and citizens to participate in elections | Counterpart International | 20,000 USD | Kabul, Logar, Nangarhar, Kunar and Laghman | Completed |
27 | Supported the electoral commission with technical assistance to enhance voter registration systems and civic education programs in the Eastern Zone of Afghanistan | Counterpart International | 31,880 USD | Kunar, Nangarhar, Laghman, and Nuristan | Completed |
28 | Elimination of Violence Against Women – EVAW | USAID/Promote Musharikat Program | 85,982 USD | Kunar | Completed |
29 | Youth Advocating And Involvement In Decision Making | USAID/Counterpart International | 25,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
30 | Civic education in democratic principles, as well as capacity building of the Independent National Electoral Commission to promote the acceptance of election results | UNDP | 35,000 USD | Kandahar | Completed |
31 | Women's Capacity Building and Empowerment | USAID | 98,967 USD | Kunar | Completed |
32 | OAWCK is a poineer organization that introduced solar system energy for clean water in Kunar province, in 2010, to provide clean energy and manage natural resources at the household community level. OAWCK has implemented six solar energy projects during 2010 - 2022 | LGCD, Creative CCI, AHF | 30,000 USD | Balkh, Samangan, Nangarhar, Laghman, Nuristan and Kunar | Completed |
33 | OAWCK is a poineer organization in city beautification activities in Kunar province in 2013 and assisted the Kunar Governor's Office in green beautification of Governor's Office developing green public parks | UNDP | 20,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
34 | Currently OAWCK is a partener with UNICEF in the installation of solar energy systems in the eight districts of Nuristan | UNICEF | 30,000 USD | Nuristan | Completed |
35 | Irrigation support and canal rehabilitation in 2 districts of Balkh province | UNDP | 30,000 USD | Balkh | Completed |
36 | Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the electoral process by promoting electoral officials’ professionalism and citizens’ ability to vote. | LGCD-USAID | 24,838 USD | Balkh and Herat | Completed |
37 | Leadership and Basic Management Training for Government Officials | Creative CCI | 31,880 USD | Kunar | Completed |
38 | Supporting Democratic Electoral Management with technical assistance to capacitate the local government CSOs and remote communities | LGCD-USAID | 85,982 USD | Kabul, Panjshir, Balkh, Herat, Bamyan, Kandahar, Paktia, Kapisa, Nangarhar. | Completed |
39 | Afghan Women Rights Awareness and Advocacy Project | USAID | 25,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
40 | Clean Water, WASH practices, and water management | USAID/LGCD | 91,880 USD | Kunar and Nuristan | Completed |
41 | Legal | IDLO | Seven Provinces of Afghanistan | Completed | |
42 | Children and Women have access to Life Saving Protection Services and Mitigate the Risk Protection Violations | UNICEF | USD 722,000 | Nuristan | Completed |
43 | Children and Women have access to Life Saving Protection Services and Mitigate the Risk Protection Violations | UNICEF | USD 658,034 | Nuristan | Completed |
44 | Sustainable Access to Safe Drinking Water and Promotion of Hygiene in Kunar Province. | UNOCHA/AHF | USD 248,072.01 | Kunar | Completed |
45 | Supporting Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence Against Women and Girls in Eastern Afghanistan Under COVID-19 Emergency Context | UN Women | USD 169,419 | Kunar, Laghman and Nangarhar | Completed |
46 | The Emergency Repair of Water & Sanitation Facilities and Hygiene Promotion Project in Balkh Province | UNOCHA/AHF | USD 522,502.40 | Balkh | Completed |
47 | The Emergency Repair of Water & Sanitation Facilities and Hygiene Promotion and GBV prevention Project in Kunar Province | UNOCHA/AHF | 1000,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
48 | The Emergency Repair of Water & Sanitation Facilities and Hygiene Promotion and GBV prevention Project in Kunar Province | UNOCHA/AHF | 485,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
49 | Access to Clean Drinking Water and Construction of Community Latrines in Kunar Province Afghanistan | UNOCHA/AHF | USD 250,898.95 | Kunar | Completed |
50 | ABADEI Programme for Community Resilience in Afghanistan (PIP) | UNDP | 50000 USD | Balkh | Completed |
51 | Empowering Women Through Improving Business Skills | GIZ | EUR 36,722.83 | Kabul City | Completed |
52 | Advocacy for prevention of Child/Forced Marriages | USAID/Promote Musharikat Program | 48,000 USD | Kunar, Nuristan and Laghman | Completed |
53 | Women Empowerment Grant – WEG | USAID/Counterpart International | 130,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
54 | Construction of Micro – Hydro Power for 250 Families in Charkai village of Khas Kunar | Czech Embassy in Kabul | 20,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
55 | Youth activism, education and Women empowerment grant | Promote - Musharikat | 839,000 USD | Eastern 4 Provinces | Completed |
56 | Elimination of Violence Against Women – EVAW | USAID/Promote Musharikat Program | 85,982 USD | Kunar | Completed |
57 | Youth Advocating And Involvement In Decision Making | USAID/Counterpart International | 25,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
58 | Civic education in democratic principles, as well as capacity building of the Independent National Electoral Commission to promote the acceptance of elections results | UNDP | 35,000 USD | Kandahar | Completed |
59 | Women Capacity Building and Empowerment | USAID | 98,967 USD | Kunar | Completed |
60 | Improve the efficiency and effectiveness in the electoral process by promoting electoral officials’ professionalism and citizens’ ability to vote. | LGCD-USAID | 24,838 USD | Balkh and Herat | Completed |
61 | Leadership and Basic Management Training for Government Officials | Creative CCI | 31,880 USD | Kunar | Completed |
62 | Supporting Democratic Electoral Management with technical assistance to capacitate the local government and CSOs and remote communities | LGCD-USAID | 85,982 USD | Kabul, Panjshir, Balkh, Herat, Bamyan, Kandahar, Paktia, Kapisa, Nangarhar. | Completed |
63 | Afghan Women Rights Awareness and Advocacy Project | USAID | 25,000 USD | Kunar | Completed |
64 | Clean Water, WASH practices and water management | USAID/LGCD | 91,880 USD | Kunar and Nuristan | Completed |
We been collaborating with our target communities and stakeholders to design and implement projects that aim to bring about positive changes in the lives of our target people across the country since 2009-10.
Thematic Areas
- Women Rights
- Child Rights
- Humanitarian Assistance
- Education
- Basic Health
- Women Social
Thematic Areas
- +93 77 709 9999
- Mandakol Road, Asadabad City, Kunar Province, Afghanistan
- Office Hours: 8AM - 4PM
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