Who We Are

Organization for Afghan Women Capacity and Knowledge (OAWCK) is an independent, nonpolitical, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization, founded by group of social workers and right activists in 2009-10 in Kunar province of Afghanistan.

It is registered under # 1888 with the ministry of economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. OAWCK developed its institutional and management capabilities with the passage of time and is one of the leading national organizations now.

Organization for Afghan Women Capacity and Knowledge

In the current post 15th August 2021 scenario, over 75% population lives below the poverty line and this crunches women ...

Education is a key element which effects any society’s economic and social development. Before regime change in Afghanistan

Our assessment indicates the fact that children constitute one of the the most vulnerable social group in Afghanistan.

We have a well-established human resource development cell, headed by a technical expert and advisors,

A country like Afghanistan there has always been the need to respond for humanitarian assistance and emergency needs.

Justice in Afghanistan is a complicated business. Before Taliban regime, two justice systems

We’re experienced professionals

Abdul wakeel Salarzai

Finance officer

Naqibullah Habibi

Admin/Logistic officer


Advocacy Officer

Mohammad Zaman Safi

Executive Director

Farida Akoundzada

Deputy Director

Gul Nabi Sayar

Program Manager

Abdul Zahir Safi

M&E Manager

Abdul Shakoor Abid

Finanace Manager

Faridullah Yaar

Admin/Logistic Manager

Our Expertise

AWCK is one of the leading organisation, with the expertise to work for women, and child rights, women protection, access to justice, economic and political empowerment. The organisation strives to achieve the objectives both short and long term objectives with the support of specialized team headed by the experienced and trained professionals. OAWCK has expertise in the following areas:





Projects Implemented
12 +
Donor & Partner
14 +
Years experiences
352 +
Staff & Volunteers

Geographical Coverage

  • Kunar Province
  • Nangarhar Province
  • Balkh Province
  • Kabul Province
  • Kapisa Province
  • Parwan Province
  • Wardak Province
  • Nuristan Province
  • Laghman Province
  • Samangan Province
  • Sar-e-pul Province
  • Khost Province
  • Jowzjan Province
  • Bamyan Province


OAWCK has been informed that some individuals are contacting donors or potential donors through counterfeit emails imitating OAWCK. These emails may request personal information, financial contributions, or other forms of support from the recipients. OAWCK hereby clarifies that it does not send any emails or solicit any donations or support from anyone other than its official email addresses, which end with @oawck.org.af. Any emails or persons claiming to represent OAWCK using any other email addresses are not authorized by OAWCK and may be fraudulent. If you receive any such emails or communications, please do not respond to them or provide any personal or financial information. We appreciate your cooperation and support in preventing and combating such malicious activities.
Thank you.